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Schudi Organ, Opus 39

Why is this organ worthy of the spotlight?

This Schudi organ is big enough to provide the full sound desired by many churches, versatile enough for the performance of a wide variety of organ literature, yet economical enough for a modest budget. Read through the specifications, then let the Schudi Organ Company quote one for your church -- designed to best fit your needs.


Opus 39The organ is comprised of 10 independent registers and 13 ranks of pipes. It is housed in a solid white oak case utilizing frame and panel construction. Unique to this particular instrument is the incorporation of existing hard wood which was surplus material from the original construction of Christ United Methodist Church. This beautiful 3/4" thick American white oak was used in the organ's design as the fill-in panels of the case.

The instrument occupies only 40 square feet of floor space. Within the case is located the wind system and all the speaking pipes. there are two small windchests situated directly behind the grills on either side of the center tower. These windchests supply air to the Principal stops 8', 4', 2' (part of the facade) and the Mixture III-IV. The remainder of the pipes are located within an "enclosed" portion of the case which is fitted with electrically controlled Swell shades providing dynamic control over the sound.

The console controls the organ from two manual and pedal keyboards which activate a solid-state relay/switching system. A two-level solid-state combination action which provides memory for the pre-set pistons is incorporated into the design. The stop controls are fitted directly above the two manual keyboards and are cut from solid rosewood, and engraved with the appropriate stop notation. The console is free-standing and movable being linked to the body of the organ via several hundred electrical wires which are encased in a canvas-covered sheath for protection.

The wind system for the organ is provided by a high-speed, silent blower. The blower feeds a single-fold reservoir which produces a constant supply of regulated air to the windchests. The wind pressure for the entire organ is 68mm, column water. The organ is in equal temperament and conforms to the design standards of the American Guild of Organists.

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